Welcome to Ukester Brown's place!

I'm an 'ukulele player from Minnesota..... The only Palm Trees that are close enough for a glimpse of are not on the shores of one of our 10,000 lakes, but kept under protective glass at the Como Park Conservatory in St. Paul.
While it's true we are not known for normal ukulele tropical weather, we do love music in every style. Our ukulele community is getting larger here too.
The main purpose of this site is to make available chord charts and lyrics for songs that we have "forgotten". I will have the verses as well as the chorus of the song in my arrangements and links to Youtube that may help you learn and enjoy the songs for yourself.
If you have old song sheet music and you are not sure how the song goes, or perhaps verses to a song I am missing I'd be happy if you could suggest it to me and I'll try to include it here.
A Minnesota Ukulele player sharing what he learns as he learns it...